Explore projects
Heliophysics Data Portal's (HDP's) Space Physics Archive, Search, and Extract (SPASE) Query Application Programming Interface (API).
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SKTeditor+ (in Javascript) enables creating templates for new datasets with fully-populated ISTP metadata
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HelioCloud / HelioCloud Docker Images
MIT LicenseThis project has moved to: https://gitlab.smce.nasa.gov/heliocloud/runtimes
Docker images for heliophysics research. This images are designed specifically to support the HelioCloud environment.
Archived 0Updated -
Gauss decomposition of a solenoidal field in a surface.
Schuck et al., "On the Origin of the Photospheric Magnetic Field," ApJ, 936, 94, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac739a
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ASTG / Visualization / Eviz
Apache License 2.0Updated -
EIS Sea Level / EIS Sea Level Change - General
Apache License 2.0Updated -
DEFUNCT Project : Former project for building the user container on DaskHub. Use panhelio-docker-images repo now.
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Compilation of EIS Sea Level Pilot tools and notebooks